Filter by Tags 1913 cut off-date 50/50 policy accelerate access to capital access to finance access to funding access to land access to market access to markets access to water advisory panel report afra African Agri Investment Indaba african safari foundation agrarian reform agri-economy agri-industrial fund agribusiness agribusinesses agricultural agricultural land agricultural land act agricultural reform Agriculture agriculture and rural development; land reform agriculture land reform agriculture projects agriculture youth opportunities AgriSA ancestral land andisa agri Annelize Crosby barakologadi barokologadi barokologadi cpa bela bela beneficiaries beneficiaries of land reform beneficiary assistance beneficiary scheme beneficiary selection benefocoation scheme bhangazi Bill of Rights black commercial farmers black farmers brian whittaker budget budget cuts budgetary cuts capacity assessment capped ownership cata claimant communities commercial commercial agricultural commercial farm enterprises commercial farmers commercial farmland communal farmers communal farming associations communal land communal land rights communal land; community-owned land communal property association community conflict community development community dispute resolution community land ownership community private partnership community private partnerships community provate partnership community upliftment community workshop compensation compromise conservation constitution Constitution Eighteenth Amendment Bill constitutional imperative constitutional review Constitutional Review Committee Coromandel corruption cost-benefit covid-19 cpa CPA Act cpa governance cpa management cpi governance CPP cpp model CRLR crlr annual performance Croftland customary land rights DALRRD db consulting decentralising land reform development disgruntled claimants disposession dispossessed communities dispossession disputes drivers of change duncan pringle ebenhaeser ebenhaeser cpa eco-tourism economic development Economic opportunities economic transformation ecotourism eighteenth amendment bill electronic deeds registration elephant rhino people emerging black farmers emerging farmers emile de kock Employment equitable redress eradicate unemployment erp EWC expropriation expropriation act expropriation bill expropriation without compensation failure farm evictions; land reform farm land farm worker eviction farm workers farmers farming fast track fast-track land reform female farmers financial administration financial compensation financial planning Financing land reform financing mechanisms financing models fish river resort food security foreign investment foreign land ownership forestry freedom day freehold land funding funding land reform funding models gender gender equality gender gap Gender gaps Geoff de Beer giba giba cpa good goverance good governance good governance principles governance Governance Award governance capacity governance policies grain grong hervorming health care heritage heritage land heritage month heritage site hlp report home ownership human rights human rights day idc imf impact implementation changes inclusive land reform inclusivity independent transactional advisors industrial development corporation inequality inflated land price investment irrigation schemes isimangaliso Jabulani job creation jobs johann kirsten karaan plan khoisan khoisan legislative council khomani san khomanisSan cpa KNP Kokame Kruger Kruger National Park kwanalu labour tenant claim labour tenant claims labour tenants lack of support land land acquisition land act land administration land audit land availability land bank land bill land capture land ceiling land claim land claim court land claim recipients land claims land claims commission Land claims court land court Land court bill land debate land dispossession land dispute land donations land equity land expropriation bill land governance land invasion land legislation land legistation land management land management information land owners land ownership land ownership patterns land policies land policy land redistribution land redistribution bill Land reform land reform beneficiaries land reform failures land reform funding land reform futures Land Reform Futures Scenarios land reform panel land reform partnership land reform partnerships land refrom land restitution land restitution claims land restoration Land rights land rights act land summit land transfer land use land-race-inequality landholders landless landlessness lease based partnership lease based partnerships LEFT legal aid legal resource centre load shedding local economic development LRAD LRC m&g mabedi Madikwe madonsi mahalax maitjene makuleke makuleke cpa mala mala malamala Mamahlola mamahlola cpa mamathlola manyeleti nature reserve market-led marobala masakhona masakona masakona cpa mathole motshekga matuma farms Mazwi Mkhulisi mdluli community melmoth farmers association mining mkambati mkhambathi Mmamahlola moletele moletele cpa monitor montlante report Motlanthe motlanthe commission motlanthe report Mswati mswati cpa nampo national development plan national land agency nationalisation nazreen pandor ndp new land claim new land claims organisational development outstanding claims pap report parliamentary review committee parthership partnership partnerships Peter Setou piet theron pilanesberg plas policy uncertainty political capture portfolio committee post settlement post-settlement support poverty poverty reduction ppp presidential advisory panel private private investment private investor private investors private partner private partners private sector private sector funding private sector investment private sector participation private sector partnership private sector support privately owned land proactive land acquisition production productive land use property clause property rights property valuation protected area prudhoe prudhoe community prudhoe community trust public land public-private partnership reconciliation redistributiion Redistribution redistribution act redistribution; land injustice; expropriation redress inequalities reducing poverty reopen land claims restitution restitution claims restored land restoring dignity results chain rightful beneficiaries royal bafokeng nation royal malewane rural communities rural development rural ecomomy rural economy rural transformation Sanlam Foundation SANParks sasa scenarios section 25 security selde-so serala serala estate settled land claim settled land claims skills transfer slow pace small-scale farmers social economic development social inequality social investment socio-economic benefits sona songimvelo sound financial administration southern africa trust specialised land court spluma state-owned land stellar stellar group succession planning sugar indistry sustainable development sustainable energy sustainable land reform sustainable partnerships teespruit tenure tenure reform tenure security Thoko Didiza title deeds tourism traditional authorities traditional land; agricultural communal; land; farmers; land reform beneficiaries traditional leaders transaction advisors transactions advisor tribal authority Trust Trust Property Control Act unemployment unlawful evictions unproductive farms unreliable data unresolved land claims unsecure land tenure unsettled land claim unsettled land claims upskill women urban farmers urban reform urbanisation vennootskappe vga vumelana vumelana governance award Wandile Sihlobo water rights water use water use rights willing-buyer willing-seller women women in agriculture women on farms women participation women's rights women's rights' land reform women’s day women’s land rights youth youth day youth employment youth unemployment zebediela citrus farm Reset Filters June 21, 2023 Building a case for youth participation in land reform June 14, 2023 Land reform can serve as a catalyst for employment creation May 22, 2023 Innovative finance mechanisms are needed to bolster post-settlement support and to drive the success of the land reform programme May 11, 2023 Vumelana calls for broader collaboration to ensure sustainable impact of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s budget allocations April 17, 2023 It’s not all gloom: The picture of land reform can be a success in the next decade if we all work together March 16, 2023 A call for common measuring instruments to accurately reflect the amount of work that still needs to be done in land reform February 10, 2023 Vumelana calls for prioritisation of sustainable land reform and post-settlement support, following SONA January 25, 2023 Private sector contributions can enable land restitution beneficiaries to transform rural economies November 7, 2022 The private sector can play a crucial role in supporting land reform beneficiaries to adopt good governance practices September 26, 2022 Conservation and the development of restituted land should not be mutually exclusive September 15, 2022 Land restitution of protected lands can enhance the livelihoods of communities August 17, 2022 122 women uplifted in women-led land reform farm ventures August 12, 2022 All stakeholders should demonstrate a level of commitment to drive the success of land reform July 20, 2022 Structural and institutional impediments should be speedily addressed to enable claimant communities to ride the crest of the agriculture boom June 15, 2022 Succession planning in land reform: Vumelana urges youth to participate May 12, 2022 Vumelana Advisory Fund secures half a billion-rand worth partnership for the Fish River Resort land claimants « Previous Next »
May 22, 2023 Innovative finance mechanisms are needed to bolster post-settlement support and to drive the success of the land reform programme
May 11, 2023 Vumelana calls for broader collaboration to ensure sustainable impact of the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development’s budget allocations
April 17, 2023 It’s not all gloom: The picture of land reform can be a success in the next decade if we all work together
March 16, 2023 A call for common measuring instruments to accurately reflect the amount of work that still needs to be done in land reform
February 10, 2023 Vumelana calls for prioritisation of sustainable land reform and post-settlement support, following SONA
January 25, 2023 Private sector contributions can enable land restitution beneficiaries to transform rural economies
November 7, 2022 The private sector can play a crucial role in supporting land reform beneficiaries to adopt good governance practices
September 26, 2022 Conservation and the development of restituted land should not be mutually exclusive
August 12, 2022 All stakeholders should demonstrate a level of commitment to drive the success of land reform
July 20, 2022 Structural and institutional impediments should be speedily addressed to enable claimant communities to ride the crest of the agriculture boom
May 12, 2022 Vumelana Advisory Fund secures half a billion-rand worth partnership for the Fish River Resort land claimants