Request for support
Vumelana assisted the Mkambati Land Trust to develop basic policies and procedures and set up general governance and administration processes.
Community: Mkambati Land Trust
Beneficiaries: 350+ households
Province: Eastern Cape
Support: Governance, administration, finance and property management

The Mkambati Land Trust was successfully supported to conclude a Community Public Private Partnership agreement in 2013. After a governance and administration capacity needs assessment was concluded, it was found that the Trust had not developed basic policies and procedures and was lacking in the area of administration and governance processes. Important agreements (such as the Restitution Settlement agreement and the 2013 Community Public Private Partnership agreement) had not been recorded and filed. There was no evidence of any prior annual reports or of any coherent communication with members. The Trust also needed to improve on the financial management and reporting.
Since restoration, the Moletele Communal Property Association has entered into a number of commercial partnerships to manage and operate the farms on their land. Like the Hoedspruit area more generally, the land on the community’s farms benefit from good soil, water and climatic conditions for mango and citrus production.
Target areas of the support
Vumelana appointed Lima Rural Development Foundation in 2013 to provide Organisational Development and Capacity Building support to the Mkambati Land Trust.
The development plan was implemented following a phased approach:
- Phase 1 set out to assess the Trust’s governance and administration needs, develop a governance and administration strategy and implementation plan, establish basic financial management policies and procedures and to set up an office.
- Under phase 2, Lima Rural Development Foundation supported the Trust to finalise the 2014 audit, improve its administrative capacity and communication with members. The Trust was also assisted to finalise a business plan and to update the policies and procedures that were developed under phase 1.
Other Support
Read more about the Mkhambathi Nature Reserve – Gwegwe Camp Tourism Partnership facilitated under Vumelana’s Transaction Advisory Support Programme